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Author Corbett, A.
Title The use of breast milk and the re-establishment of the Human Breast Milk Bank in the Neonatal Unit in Waikato Hospital Type
Year 1992 Publication Abbreviated Journal Neonatal Unit, Waikato Hospital
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract (up) The suitability of human breast milk for the nurturing and development of the human species is proven over hundreds of thousands of years. Human milk is without peer in containing all the nutrients required for the growth and development of the human infant.Over and above the nutrient factors, human milk has significant immunological, anti-infective, and anti-allergy properties that should be foremost in deliberations of neonatal nurses and doctors, before one considers calorie counts and weight gain. Lucas and Cole ( 1990) have shown the terrible consequences of using formula in preterm babies over those fed only human milk, The NZ Cot Death Studies' first year results have shown the significance of breast feeding in reducing the incidence of cot death., giving an oblique reference to the effects of neonatal staff attitude on mothers milk of at risk babies.A ready supply of human breast milk used to be available to neonatal staff from the milk bank. All but a very few of these banks were closed down all over the world due to AIDS phobia rather than by any scientific fact. Sufficient time has gone by for science and nationality to govern the use of human breast milk, and a case is made for the reopening of the Milk Banks
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ 209 Serial 209
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