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Author Crowe, M.
Title Doing what no normal woman would do Type
Year 1999 Publication (down) Abbreviated Journal Department of Film,Media &Cultural Studies Griffit
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract This text begins with a discourse analysis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth edition, 1994 – DSM -IV- to illustrate the discursive construction of mental disorder. The analysis identifies how productivity, moderation, entariness and rationality are constructed by this psychiatric discourse as the fundamental attributes of normality. It is argued that this discursive construction of normality has particular implications for the subject positions available to women.The text explores how those subject positions are constituted by analysing the narratives of women who have been diagnosed as having a mental disorder. Its object is to explore how the categories 'mental disorder' and 'women' are constituted; the effect this has on some women's experiences; and to offer a feminist interpretation of those experiences. The text explores the meaning of these women's experiences and proposes that their responses can be regarded as tactical responses to the non-recognition, or disconfirming recognition, accorded to the subject positions available to them.The women's tactical responses although taking different forms, reveal some commonalities in their responses to a lack of recognition for their performances: shame regarding the body which marks them as women; a sense of meaningless and emptiness in the available performances; a sense of themselves as objects for the use of others; passive performances as self-protective tactics; a need to suppress anger; and a tension between cultural expectations of normality and their own subjective experiences. The tactical responses that these women had employed take the form of over-conformity, withdrawal and resistance. They reflect that Sass (1992:58) describes as attempts to escape the 'form of the real'. It is the women's body which establishes her engendered subjectivity and it is through the body that the tensions related to her expected performances emerge. Each women's tactical response is imbued with multiple and sometimes contradictory meanings that may represent their ambivalence in relational to the cultural expectations for productive, moderate, unitary and rational performances. To enable the meaning of the women's distress to emerge it is necessary that it be recognised by interpretations that reflect their multiple and contradictory form.Alternative readings of these women's tactical responses position the desire for recognition as central. It proposes that it is necessary to pay attention to both the literal and figurative functions of language. The possibility of 'advancing our understanding of social life' (Gergen, women constructed as mentally disordered. These readings of the narratives require an understanding of the context and construction of the narrator's life and opens up the possibility for multiple understandings that do not necessarily privilege productivity, moderation, unitariness and rationality.By attending to the significance of the women's narratives this text proposes that the DSM-IV's (1994) construction of mental disorder of effectively marginalises women's experiences of their culturally determined subject positions. It acknowledges the need to understand how women symbolize their distress in a way that creates and communicates meaning
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