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Author Magrath, K.L.
Title From chrysalis to butterfly: Transition experiences of new graduates in primary health care nursing practice in New Zealand Type
Year (down) 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Primary health care; New graduate nurses; Mentoring
Abstract Primary health care is a dynamic and ever-changing area of practice which has undergone many changes in the last ten years. Traditionally, primary health care was not a routine choice for new graduate nurses as they were encouraged to work in a hospital setting before seeking a position in the community. Bachelor of Nursing programmes emphasise primary health care practice and increasingly nurses and their employers are moving away from the traditional belief of 'doing your time in the hospital' before contemplating the move to primary health care. Currently in New Zealand increasing numbers of graduates from Bachelor of Nursing programmes want to begin their working life as registered nurses in this area. A constructivist approach was taken to explore the experience of five nurses who entered primary health care practice as new graduates. Participants were interviewed using a semi-structured format. They constructed their experience as role transition and identified a number of significant factors which had impacted on their practice. These factors included both the personal and practice challenges they experienced and the strategies they used to address them. Further research findings were a transition time of one year, the importance of both formal and informal support, planned orientation and opportunities for reflection. A number of mediating factors including new graduate programmes, peer support and mentorship were also discussed. Key implications for practice, education, employers and future research regarding transition to primary health care for new graduates are discussed. This research emphasised the importance of appropriate resources and support for new graduates from Bachelor of Nursing programmes. These factors are suggested as integral to the development of new graduates' practice in primary health care and reduction of the challenges inherent in this transition.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 587
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