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Author Radka, I.M.
Title Handover and the consumer voice: The importance of knowing the whole, full story Type
Year (down) 2003 Publication Abbreviated Journal Victoria University of Wellington Library
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Communication; Patient satisfaction; Nurse-patient relations
Abstract In the acute hospital setting, nurses provide care twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Due to the ever-changing nature of the patient's situation, nurses need quality information at the beginning of each eight-hour shift to plan and implement patient care effectively. It is claimed that handover is central for maintaining the continuity and the quality of patient care. This qualitative descriptive study was undertaken to identify what core information needs to be exchanged at nursing handover to ensure quality and continuity of patient care. Five consumers who had experience of recurrent hospital admissions shared their perceptions of handover practice through individual interviews. Three focus group meetings of seven nurses from a secondary care setting discussed handover practice from their professional perspectives. Both nursing and consumer voices are integral to the overall understanding of this study but the consumer voice is the privileged and dominant voice. Through the process of thematic content analysis the central themes of communication, continuity and competence emerged for the consumers. Consumers expect to be kept informed and involved in their healthcare. They want continuity of nurse, information and care and expect that nurses involved in the delivery of healthcare are competent to manage their situation. The 'importance of knowing' is the overarching construct generated in this research. Knowing is identified as the foundation on which quality and continuity of care is built and is discussed under the subheadings of: not knowing, knowing the patient as a person, knowing takes time, hidden knowing, knowing consumers' rights, oral knowing, knowing involves more than handing over patient care and knowing the economics. Recommendations have been developed for future research, nursing practice, education and management. These centre on ways to develop a more consumer-focused approach to contemporary healthcare.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ 883 Serial 867
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