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Author Johnson, S.
Title Hope in terminal illness Type
Year 2007 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Palliative care; Terminal care; Psychology
Abstract Hope is considered an elusive, vague, over-used, and ambiguous concept in nursing practice which lacks clarity, but hope is essential to the quality of life in the terminally ill. Therefore, hope is an important concept to research further. A gap in nursing research has been identified in the area of hope in terminal illness. The aims of this research were to clarify the concept of hope as perceived by patients with a terminal illness; to develop hope as an evidence-based nursing concept; and to contribute new knowledge and insights about hope to the relatively new field of palliative care. Utilising Rodgers' (2000b) evolutionary concept analysis methodology and thematic content analysis, 17 pieces of research-based literature on hope as perceived by adult patients with any terminal illness pathology (from the disciplines of nursing and medicine) have been reviewed and analysed. Hope's attributes, antecedents, consequences, social-cultural variations, temporal variations, surrogate terms, and related concepts have been considered. An exemplary case of the concept in action is presented along with the evolution of the concept hope in terminal illness. Ten essential attributes of the concept were identified in this research: positive expectation, personal qualities, spirituality, goals, comfort, help / caring, interpersonal relationships, control, legacy, and life review. The evolution of hope in terminal illness has evolved from patients hoping for a prosperous healthy future to an enrichment of being is more important than having or doing. Patients' hopes and goals are scaled down and refocused in order to live in the present and enjoy the time they have left with loved ones. Hope in the terminal phase of one's illness is orientated in the past and the present, hope in the here and hope in the now. The author concludes that by completing all the steps to Rodgers' (2000b) evolutionary view of concept analysis, a working definition and clarification of the concept in its current use has been achieved, providing a solid conceptual foundation for further study. Recommendations are made for hope-enhansing strategies, that may help to maximise the quality of life of terminally ill patients in the future.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 922
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