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Author Lynch, T.M.
Title A qualitative descriptive study of youth with Crohn's disease Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) NZNO Library
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Diseases; Adolescents; Nursing
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ 1143 Serial 1128
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Author Miles, M.A.P.
Title A critical analysis of the relationships between nursing, medicine and the government in New Zealand 1984-2001 Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) NZNO Library, University of Otago Library
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Primary health care; Interprofessional relations; Policy
Abstract This thesis concerns an investigation of the tripartite arrangements between the government, the nursing and the medical sectors in New Zealand over the period 1984 to 2001 with a particular focus on primary health care. The start point is the commencement of the health reforms instituted by the Fourth New Zealand Labour Government of 1984. The thesis falls within a framework of critical inquiry, specifically, the methodology of depth hermeneutics (Thompson, 1990), a development of critical theory. The effects of political and economic policies and the methodologies of neo-liberal market reform are examined together with the concept of collaboration as an ideological symbolic form, typical of enterprise culture. The limitations of economic models such as public choice theory, agency theory and managerialism are examined from the point of view of government strategies and their effects on the relationships between the nursing and medical professions. The influence of American health care policies and their partial introduction into primary health care in New Zealand is traversed in some detail, together with the experiences of health reform in several other countries. Post election 1999, the thesis considers the effect of change of political direction consequent upon the election of a Labour Coalition government and concludes that the removal of the neo-liberal ethic by Labour may terminate entrepreneurial opportunities in the nursing profession. The thesis considers the effects of a change to Third Way political direction on national health care policy and on the medical and nursing professions. The data is derived from various texts and transcripts of interviews with 12 health professionals and health commentators. The histories and current relationships between the nursing and medical professions are examined in relation to their claims to be scientific discourses and it is argued that the issue of lack of recognition as a scientific discourse is at the root of nursing's perceived inferiority to medicine. This is further expanded in a discussion at the end of the thesis where the structure of the two professions is compared and critiqued. A conclusion is drawn that a potential for action exists to remedy the deficient structure of nursing. The thesis argues that this is the major issue which maintains nursing in the primary sector in a perceived position of inferiority to medicine. The thesis also concludes that the role of government in this triangular relationship is one of manipulation to bring about necessary fundamental change in the delivery of health services at the lowest possible cost without materially strengthening the autonomy of the nursing or the medical professions.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ 1146 Serial 1131
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Author Stokes, G.
Title Who cares? Accountability for public safety in nurse education Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Online at Research Space @ Auckland University
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Nursing; Education; Accountability; Patient safety
Abstract The focus of this study is the management of unsafe nursing students within the tertiary education context. The moral dilemmas experienced by nurse educators, specifically linked to the issue of accountability for public safety, are explored. The theoretical framework for the thesis is informed by the two moral voices of justice and care identified by Gilligan and further developed using the work of Hekman and Lyotard. Case study methodology was used and data were collected from three schools of nursing and their respective educational organisations. Interviews were conducted with nurse educators and education administrators who had managed unsafe nursing students. Interviews were also conducted with representatives from the Nursing Council of New Zealand and the New Zealand Nurses Organisation to gain professional perspectives regarding public safety, nurse education and unsafe students. Transcripts were analysed using the strategies of categorical aggregation and direct interpretation. Issues identified in each of the three case studies were examined using philosophical and theoretical analyses. This thesis explores how students come to be identified as unsafe and the challenges this posed within three educational contexts. The justice and care moral voices of nurse educators and administrators and the ways in which these produced different ways of caring are made visible. Different competing and conflicting discourses of nursing and education are revealed, including the discourse of safety – one of the language games of nursing. The way in which participants positioned themselves and positioned others within these discourses are identified. Overall, education administrators considered accountability for public safety to be a specific professional, nursing responsibility and not a concern of education per se. This thesis provides an account of how nurse educators attempted to make the educational world safe for patients, students, and themselves. Participants experienced different tensions and moral dilemmas in the management of unsafe students, depending upon the moral language games they employed and the dominant discourse of the educational organisation. Nurse educators were expected to use the discourses of education to make their case and manage unsafe students. However, the discourses of nursing and education were found to be incommensurable and so the moral dilemmas experienced by nurse educators were detected as differends. This study bears witness to these differends.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 1106
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Author Becker, F.
Title Recruitment & retention: Magnet hospitals Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Personnel; Hospitals; Recruitment and retention; Nursing
Abstract International nursing literature indicates nursing shortages are widely recognised; however efforts to remedy poor recruitment and retention of nurses have been largely unsuccessful. This paper presents the predominant factors influencing poor recruitment and retention of nurses, such as: the image of nursing as a career, pay and conditions of employment, educational opportunities, management and decision making, and low morale and then explores how Magnet hospitals address these factors. During the 1980s, several hospitals in the United States were identified as being able to attract nursing staff when others could not, they became known as 'Magnet' hospitals. The American Nurse Credentialing Centre developed the Magnet Recognition programme to accredit hospitals that meet comprehensive criteria to support and develop excellence in nursing services. Magnet hospitals not only attract and retain satisfied nursing staff, but also have improved patient outcomes compared to non-Magnet hospitals, such as decreased patient morbidity and mortality and increased patient satisfaction. The successes of the Magnet Recognition programme in recruitment and retention of nurses is discussed in relation to its transferability outside of the United States, particularly to New Zealand as a way of improving recruitment and retention of nurses here.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 567
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Author Boyd, M.E.
Title Advancing nursing knowledge: The experience of a nurse working with dying people in a highly remote rural area Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Terminal care; Rural nursing; Rural health services
Abstract By describing and gaining insight into one rural nurse's experience working with dying people in a highly, remote rural area, this project seeks to advance nursing practice. Key findings indicate that, through community partnership and teamwork, nurses can act to assist rural people by: increasing public awareness of health resources; exposing barriers to access; and identifying different health service needs. The author makes a case that some rural nurses may feel insufficiently prepared for rural nursing. To understand death and dying, key ideas from Kuebler-Ross's (1969) framework for dying are examined: denial, fear of dying, spirituality, hope, depression and how to die well. Nurses require a blend of end-of-life and rural nursing postgraduate education and skills, to manage well. Key findings imply that dying people can be helped by: improving function and independence to promote autonomy; encouraging faith, hope, and love within the person's personal concept of spirituality; listening to dying people, to oneself, to one's own reactions, and knowing oneself. Parse's theory (1981) indicates nurses can help rural dying people by the following key factors: encouraging the person to live life to the full while dying; accepting humans cannot be separated from their perspectives, circumstances or environments; focusing on quality of life from the person's perspective: encouraging the person to live life fully while dying; and offering new possibilities. The author goes on to say that Parse's human-universe-health process aids nurses to live their beliefs indicating Parse's theory could guide and advance nursing practice.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 573
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Author Fogarty, K.
Title The assessment of competence in the novice nurse in the adult intensive care unit Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Intensive care nursing; Nursing specialties; Clinical assessment
Abstract This dissertation explores the assessment of nurses' clinical competence in the adult ICU setting. Specifically, methods for the assessment of competence are critiqued for their practical application to the novice nurse with less than six months experience in ICU. The assessment methods considered are continuous clinical assessment, self-assessment, peer review, objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), portfolio and computer assisted assessment. Several criteria are applied to the methods including the ability of each method to assess skills, knowledge and attitudes or values. Each method is critiqued for its implications in terms of cost and staffing resource, benefits and barriers to implementation. In addition, reliability and validity issues are considered for each method. The outcome of this exploration is the recommendation of a combination of methods; namely, portfolio and OSCE, for the assessment of competence in the ICU novice. The author concludes that this finding enhances current understanding within the ICU specialty of the multidimensional nature of competence assessment.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 574
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Author Maw, H.
Title The challenge of developing primary health care nurse practitioner roles in rural New Zealand Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Nurse practitioners; Rural health services; Primary health care
Abstract When the New Zealand Nursing Council introduced the nurse practitioner as a new level of nurse in 2001, the opportunity arose for the introduction of primary health care nurse practitioners into the rural practice arena in this country. This dissertation explores the influences on the development of rural nursing in the last decade in New Zealand including the role of the Centre for Rural Health in advancing rural nursing education, as well as the impact the shortage of health professionals in rural New Zealand has had on the development of the rural primary health care nurse practitioner concept. For pioneering primary health care nurse practitioner roles to be successfully implemented in rural communities in New Zealand, several challenges need to be faced; the creation of roles and employment opportunities, community acceptance of the role, medical and nursing acceptance of the role and the establishment of independent nurse prescribing within the constraints imposed by current legislation. The dissertation explores the current literature in an attempt to offer solutions to the identified challenges. With the creation of primary health care nurse practitioner roles and the establishment and acceptance of these roles in rural communities, a new mode of health service delivery in rural New Zealand will begin.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 576
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Author Isles, V.
Title The development and role of the clinical nurse specialist in New Zealand: A comparison of the role with that in the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Australia Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Nursing specialties
Abstract The development and role of the clinical nurse specialist in New Zealand is the focus of this dissertation. It is an area that has not clearly been documented previously and the author hoped that by articulating this role to nurses, educators, and administrators that the role of the clinical nurse specialist will be more clearly defined and perhaps recognised for the contribution it provides to health care in New Zealand. At present, it is difficult to justify the clinical nurse specialist position in New Zealand, when individuals have been left to define and develop their own positions. This has led to widely differing practice modes and role confusion, and therefore a varying degree of success in achieving improved nursing practice. Without title protection and some form of accreditation process to ensure standard of practice throughout the country it is not possible for post-holders to move from position to position throughout the country. The role and definition of the clinical nurse specialist must be clarified in order to reduce confusion. Restriction of the title to those who meet the defining characteristics will strengthen the role, improve collaboration with other members of the team as well as making it easier for the public to understand the role.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 586
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Author Magrath, K.L.
Title From chrysalis to butterfly: Transition experiences of new graduates in primary health care nursing practice in New Zealand Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Primary health care; New graduate nurses; Mentoring
Abstract Primary health care is a dynamic and ever-changing area of practice which has undergone many changes in the last ten years. Traditionally, primary health care was not a routine choice for new graduate nurses as they were encouraged to work in a hospital setting before seeking a position in the community. Bachelor of Nursing programmes emphasise primary health care practice and increasingly nurses and their employers are moving away from the traditional belief of 'doing your time in the hospital' before contemplating the move to primary health care. Currently in New Zealand increasing numbers of graduates from Bachelor of Nursing programmes want to begin their working life as registered nurses in this area. A constructivist approach was taken to explore the experience of five nurses who entered primary health care practice as new graduates. Participants were interviewed using a semi-structured format. They constructed their experience as role transition and identified a number of significant factors which had impacted on their practice. These factors included both the personal and practice challenges they experienced and the strategies they used to address them. Further research findings were a transition time of one year, the importance of both formal and informal support, planned orientation and opportunities for reflection. A number of mediating factors including new graduate programmes, peer support and mentorship were also discussed. Key implications for practice, education, employers and future research regarding transition to primary health care for new graduates are discussed. This research emphasised the importance of appropriate resources and support for new graduates from Bachelor of Nursing programmes. These factors are suggested as integral to the development of new graduates' practice in primary health care and reduction of the challenges inherent in this transition.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 587
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Author Green, M.
Title Psychiatric consultation liaison nurse: A model for practice Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Nursing models; Psychiatric Nursing
Abstract Psychiatric consultation liaison (PCL) nursing is an evolving specialist area of mental health nursing in the USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand. The aim of this dissertation is to explore models of PCL nursing practice in order to develop and discuss a PCL nursing model applicable to the New Zealand context. The role of the PCL nurse was of particular interest to the author as a new practitioner in this specialist area. While there have been PCL nurses in practice for over 50 years, the literature does not offer much clarity about models of PCL nursing. From a review of the literature, four themes were recurrent in the work of PCL nurses. These themes represent four functions which are vital to the role of the PCL nurse: partnership, expertise of the PCL nurse, therapeutic relationship and organisational consultation. The needs of the patient are the core of this model and the primary objective is to improve the quality of care of patients in the general hospital with co-existing physical and psychological problems. It is imperative that PCL nurses evaluate their practice and embark on research to investigate clinical outcomes, cost effectiveness and the impact of PCL nurse practice on patients and staff. This PCL nursing model provides a beginning for this process. It also clarifies and articulates the role of the PCL nurse which enables the service to be promoted to colleagues. This PCL nursing model represents a critique of the author's understanding of the role of the PCL nurse. As expertise develops, the model will continue to be tested and refined.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 608
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Author Fitzwater, A.
Title The impact of tourism on a rural nursing practice Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Rural health services; Rural nursing; Tourism
Abstract Rural nursing in the remote context of South Westland is shaped by factors common to rural nursing practice world-wide including geographical and professional isolation, living and working in a small community, providing health care to rural people and the broad, generalist and advanced scope of nursing practice. Tourism is a major industry in the townships in the proximity of the two accessible glaciers in South Westland. The practice of the nurses in these areas is significantly affected by tourists seeking health care and by providing a health service for the large number of migrant seasonal workers who service the tourist industry. Tourists seek health care from the nurses across the full spectrum of health problems and their expectations of the health care required may exceed the service that can be provided. The nurses are challenged to advance their practice to find the personal and professional resources to provide a safe service. This includes the challenge of cultural safety and personal safety. The tourist industry brings significant numbers of young people as seasonal/temporary workers to the glacier areas. This imposes a youth culture onto the existing rural culture. Nursing practice has expanded to include the specialist practice of youth health care that includes the problems of alcohol and drug misuse, sexual and reproductive health, and youth mental health. This work is drawn from the experience of the nurses working in the glacier communities. The impact of the tourism industry on their rural nursing practice includes the increasing volume of work that challenges the viability of the service, the advanced scope of practice required to meet the health needs of tourists and the seasonal tourist industry workers, and challenges to personal and professional safety.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 659
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Author McNab, M.
Title The nursing roles in respect of tuberculosis in New Zealand from 1928 to 1966 Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords History; Nursing; Tuberculosis
Abstract In this thesis the nursing roles in respect of tuberculosis in New Zealand from 1928 to 1966 are identified, and then examined by contextualising them in relation to the changing social, political, demographic, scientific and technological environments in which the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis took place. The history of the various institutions is described in order to show some of the circumstances that led to the evolution of the roles of dispensary nurse, district nurse, school nurse, public health nurse, sanatorium nurse, and hospital nurse. 1928 to 1966 covers a sufficiently long period of intensive activity and change in the detection, treatment and research of pulmonary tuberculosis in New Zealand, to enable comparisons between nursing roles to be made. It was found that nurses had an individualised approach to their work. This was defined by the physical environments within which they worked, whether it was a hospital, sanatorium, dispensary, school or in a patient's home. Also, the medical treatments advocated and implemented by the medical practitioners, the rules and regulations which governed the various work areas, and the availability of staff, funds, facilities and resources all had an impact upon how nurses were able to work and how their respective roles developed. In addition, some of the factors which contributed to nurses getting tuberculosis and the initiatives to improve the nurse's conditions of work are examined, because these had an impact on the performance of the nurse's work and evolution of her role. Apart from practical nursing care, nurses also had a role in the on-going inspection, monitoring, notification, emotional support of patients and families, morale boosting and education. Each role had these components. The differences were in the time and emphasis given to each.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 660
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Author Bleach, A.
Title Nurses talk the walk: An exploration of nurses' perception of advanced nursing practice on acute mental health inpatient units in New Zealand Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Mental health; Nursing; Policy; Registered nurses; Advanced nursing practice; Psychiatric Nursing
Abstract The last twenty years, particularly the early 1990s, ushered in major mental health sector reforms inclusive of deinstitutionalisation policies and subsequent development of community services. Concurrent changes to student nurses' education left registered nurses as the workforce mainstay on inpatient units. However, the author suggests, an emerging global shortage of nurses and implementation of the Employment Contracts Act (1991) negatively impacted on recruitment and retention of registered nurses. Inpatient nurses either left nursing or moved to community positions for better money and increased job status. The author suggests that, as a consequence, the 'critical mass' of experienced and skilled nurses who traditionally provided nursing leadership disappeared resulting in compromised standards of care for patients. As the manager of an inpatient unit, the author proposed the establishment of advanced nursing practice roles as one initiative to provide nursing leadership in order to attract and retain nurses. This study explored five inpatient nurses' perceptions of advanced practice and whether these roles could assist to provide leadership and improve standards of care. The research was a qualitative exploratory descriptive study using a focus group interview as the data collection method. A thematic analysis of the group discussion transcription revealed three key themes: 1) the 'makeup' of advanced nursing practice, 2) moving forwards: establishing roles, 3) moving sideways: barriers to role development. The themes are critically discussed in relation to selected literature. The thesis includes recommendations that could be used by nurses responsible for planning and implementing advanced practice roles on inpatient units.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 663
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Author Holbrook, P.
Title Nurse initiated analgesia in an emergency department: Can nurses safely decrease door to analgesia times by providing analgesia before medical assessment? Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Emergency nursing; Drug administration; Nursing; Pain management
Abstract Pain management practices within emergency departments require a more patient focused approach due to extended waiting times for analgesia. This dissertation questions current methods of providing timely and appropriate delivery of analgesia. Nurses represent the biggest resource in emergency departments therefore are in a position to be able to access patients in a timely fashion. A review of the literature pertaining to nurse initiated analgesia protocols has been evaluated and information relating to efficiency and safety utilised to discuss the processes for planning and implementation of a similar protocol. The author finds that the literature provides no evidence that nurse initiated analgesic practices prior to medical assessment compromises patient safety or delays diagnosis. A discussion of the benefits to patients, nurses and the institution has been included to highlight the appropriateness of extending nursing roles.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 664
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Author Horner, C.
Title Maintaining rural nurses' competency in emergency situations Type
Year 2005 Publication Abbreviated Journal (up) Otago Polytechnic library. A copy can be obtained by contacting pgnursadmin@tekotago.ac.nz
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Emergency nursing; Nurse practitioners; Rural nursing; Education
Abstract On call emergency health services are becoming routinely provided by some rural nurses, predominantly within the South Island. Rural nurses have been advancing their practice to accommodate the limited availability of general practitioners in rural communities. Although this is becoming routine practice, the author has been providing a service such as this for the past 12 years. This dissertation describes this practice in relationship to the present social-political context, advancing nurse competencies and her experience of rural nursing in a rural town within the South Island. Particular significance for the rural nurse is the required independent practice and overall responsibility when remote from traditional medical oversight. Providing on call emergency care with the possibility of a broad spectrum of emergency situations while maintaining competence for the unpredictable frequency (or lack of frequency) of the rural emergency is the focus of this dissertation. The professional and personal risks are high for rural nurses when placed in situations they are not prepared for or unable to remain competent to manage. Implications resulting from the critique of the health service literature on this subject are identified. Firstly, rural nurses need to be insightful of their own emergency on call expertise and limitations. Secondly, rural nurses require ongoing education and thirdly that appropriate education is available and accessible to rural nurses. Lastly, rural nurses require maintenance of competency so these emergency skills are not lost. This dissertation and the resulting recommendations embrace Nursing Council of New Zealand Nurse Practitioner Competencies. The resulting outcomes fulfilling the rural nurse's need for maintenance of competency for emergency on call care, the community's need for safe appropriate emergency care and national legislation requirements.
Call Number NRSNZNO @ research @ Serial 666
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