Author ![sorted by Author field, ascending order (up)](img/sort_asc.gif) |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Adams, Sue |
'New Zealand Nurses: Caring for Our People 1880-1950' : An interview with author Pamela Wood |
2023 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
39 |
Adams, Sue |
Nurse practitioners in rural primary health care in New Zealand : an institutional ethnography |
2017 |
372 p. |
Adams, Sue; Boyd, Michal; Carryer, Jenny; Bareham, Corinne; Tenbensel, Tim |
A survey of the NP workforce in primary healthcare settings in New Zealand. |
2020 |
New Zealand Medical Journal |
133 |
29-40 |
Adams, Sue; Carryer, Jenny; Wilkinson, Jillian Ann |
Institutional ethnography : an emerging approach for health and nursing research |
2015 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
31 |
18-26 |
Adams, Sue; Cook, Catherine; Jones, Mark |
Jocelyn Keith's prescient question about the human right to health and healthcare |
2021 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
37 |
14-18 |
Adams, Sue; Oster, Sandy; Davis, Josephine |
The training and education of nurse practitioners in Aotearoa New Zealand: Time for nationwide refresh [editorial] |
2022 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
38 |
1-4 |
Hutchinson, Rosie; Adams, Sue; Cook, Catherine |
From regulation to practice: Mapping the organisational readiness for registered nurse prescribers in a specialty outpatient clinic setting |
2020 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
36 |
31-40 |
Komene, Ebony; Adams, Sue; Clark, Terryann |
Korero mai: A Kaupapa Maori study exploring the experiences of whanau Maori caring for tamariki with atopic dermatitis |
2022 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
38 |
12-22 |
Komene, Ebony; Sami, Lisa; Wiapo, Coral; Davis, Josephine; Adams, Sue |
Whakaropu: an exemplar fostering professional development and cultural growth with a collective grouping of Maori and Pacific nurses |
2023 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
39 |
Mustafa, Maher; Adams, Sue; Bareham, Corinne; Carryer, Jenny |
Employing nurse practitioners in general practice: an exploratory survey of the perspectives of managers |
2021 |
Journal of Primary Health Care |
13 |
274-282 |
Smith, Abel; Fereti, Safaato'a; Adams, Sue |
Inequities and perspectives from the COVID-Delta outbreak: the imperative for strengthening the Pacific nursing workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand |
2021 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
37 |
94-103 |
Wiapo, Coral; Sami, Lisa; Komene, Ebony; Wilkinson, Sandra; Davis, Josephine; Cooper, Beth; Adams, Sue |
From kaimahi to enrolled nurse: A successful workforce initiative to increase Maori nurses in primary health care |
2023 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
39 |