Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Wraight, Jenny |
Assessing English language skills of internationally-qualified nurses in New Zealand |
2019 |
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research |
10 |
59-60 |
Wotton, Janice |
The exploration of proactive nursing practice and health services to address the needs of vulnerable children and their families |
2014 |
63 p. |
Woodward, J. |
Nurse case management: A review of the literature |
1999 |
Woods, M. |
The ethical preparation and practice of nurses: a pilot research project |
1992 |
Woods, M. |
Nursing ethics education and contemporary concerns: a reflective report |
1994 |
Woods, M. |
Maintaining the nursing ethic: a grounded theory of the moral practice of experienced nurses |
1997 |
Woods, M. |
Dissecting a brave new nursing world |
2002 |
Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand |
8 |
20-22, 36 |
Woods, M. |
Balancing rights and duties in 'life and death' decision making involving children: A role for nurses? |
2001 |
Nursing Ethics |
8 |
397-408 |
Woods, M. |
A nursing ethic: The moral voice of experienced nurses |
1999 |
Nursing Ethics |
6 |
423-433 |
Woods, M. |
Parental resistance. Mobile and transitory discourses: A discursive analysis of parental resistance towards medical treatment for a seriously ill child |
2008 |
Woods, Heather |
Oral history: a rich tapestry of information |
2023 |
Kaitiaki Nursing Research |
14 |
62-64 |
Woodgyer, A.R. |
Living without the song of the tui: A nursing lecturer's experience in India facilitating a New Zealand degree programme for registered nurses |
2006 |
Woodbridge, M. |
From child savers to child activists: A participatory action research project with community child health nurses |
2002 |
Wood, Pamela J; Nelson, Katherine |
The journal Kai Tiaki's role in developing research capability in New Zealand nursing, 1908-1959 |
2013 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
29 |
12-22 |
Wood, Pamela J |
Understanding and evaluating historical sources in nursing history research |
2011 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
27 |
25-33 |