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  Author (down) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
White, E. L. A co-operative approach to nursing manpower planning 1980 details  
White, E. L. Wellington School of Nursing: the first thirty years 1983 details  
Wheeler, K. Metabolism of riboflavin by the human term placenta 1995 details  
Wheeler, C. The diagnosis of schizophrenia and its impact on the primary caregiver 1994 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 9 15-23 details  
Westrate, Jan; Cummings, Cathy; Boamponsem, Louis; Towers, Andy What factors influence compliance with health and disability service standards for aged residential care in New Zealand? 2019 Kai Tiaki Nursing Research 10 47-53 details  
Westenra, Belinda A framework for cultural safety in paramedic practice 2019 Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services 11-17 details  
West, S.R.; Harris, B.J.; Warren, A.; Wood, H.; Montgomery, B.; Belsham, V.L. A retrospective study of patients with cancer in their terminal year 1986 New Zealand Medical Journal 99 197-200 details  
Were, Katie Jane Early Career Nurses: The relationship between Organisational Climate and Job Satisfaction and Burnout 2016 details   url
Wepa, D. An exploration of the experiences of cultural safety educators in New Zealand: An action research approach 2003 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 14 339-348 details  
Wepa, D. An exploration of the experiences of cultural safety educators 2003 details  
Wenn, J. Decision making in senior nurses details  
Wenn, J. Self competency ratings: learning experience in research details  
Wenn, J. The effect of a planned in-service program on the decision making behaviour of senior nursing staff details  
Wenn, J. Hospital information systems: a nursing viewpoint 1983 details  
Wenmoth, J.D.A. A phenomenological study examining the experience of nausea, vomiting and retching associated with pregnancy 1997 details  
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