Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Jones, Merryn Anne |
'It's hard to ask': examining the factors inflluencing decision-making amongst end-stage renal disease patients considering asking friends and family for a kidney |
2017 |
126 p. |
Darbyshire, P. |
'Never mind the quality, feel the width': The nonsense of 'quality', 'excellence', and 'audit' in education, health and research |
2008 |
Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia |
15 |
35-41 |
Adams, Sue |
'New Zealand Nurses: Caring for Our People 1880-1950' : An interview with author Pamela Wood |
2023 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
39 |
Farrow, T. |
'No suicide contracts' in community crisis situations: A conceptual analysis |
2003 |
Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing |
10 |
199-202 |
Ross, Jean |
'Place' Matters to Rural Nurses: A Study Located in the Rural Otago Region of New Zealand |
2017 |
346 p. |
Harvey, Geoffrey |
'Thank you for telling our story...': An exploration of the needs of migrant nurses undergoing competence assessment for New Zealand registration |
2022 |
108 p. |
Crick, Shelly; Page, Molly; Perry, Jane; Pillai, Nirmala M; Burry, Robin D |
'This building looks like a mansion but feels like a prison': personal and professional pratice prespectives on recruiting and retaining internationally-educated nurses |
2019 |
Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services |
18-27 |
Jenkins, Brittany; Huntington, Annette |
'We are the international nurses': an exploration of internationally-qualified nurses' experiences of transitioning to New Zealand and working in aged care |
2016 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
32 |
9-20 |
Papps, E. |
(Re)positioning nursing: Watch this space |
2001 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
17 |
4-12 |
Walker, L. |
?Holding up?: The first biennial NZNO Employment Survey |
2009 |
Cook, Catherine |
A 'Toolkit' for Clinical Educators to Foster Learners' Clinical Reasoning and Skills Acquisition |
2016 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
32 |
28-37 |
McPherson, G.; Horsburgh, M.; Tracy, C. |
A clinical audit of a nurse colposcopist: Colposcopy, cytology, histology correlation |
2005 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
21 |
13-23 |
White, E. L. |
A co-operative approach to nursing manpower planning |
1980 |
Miles, M.A.P. |
A critical analysis of the relationships between nursing, medicine and the government in New Zealand 1984-2001 |
2005 |
Miles, M.A.P. |
A critical analysis of the relationships between nursing, medicine and the government in New Zealand 1984-2001 |
2005 |