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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Crowe, M.; O'Malley, J.; Gordon, S. Meeting the needs of consumers in the community: A working partnership in mental health in New Zealand 2001 Journal of Advanced Nursing 35 88-96 details  
Cullens, V. Not just a shortage of girls: The shortage of nurses in post World War 2 New Zealand 1945-1955 2001 details  
Day, D.R.; Mills, B.; Fairburn, F. Exercise prescription: Are practice nurses adequately prepared for this? 2001 New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine 29 32-36 details  
Esera, F.I. If a client is operating from a Samoan world view how can s/he be holistically and appropriately treated under the western medical model? 2001 details   url
Foster, S. The relationship of physical activity to health in elder adulthood 2001 Vision: A Journal of Nursing 7 24-27 details  
French, P. Nursing registration: A time to celebrate? 2001 Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 7 17-19 details  
Giddings, D.L.S.; Smith, M.C. Stories of lesbian in/visibility in nursing 2001 Nursing Outlook 49 14-19 details  
Gilmour, J.A. On the margins: Nurses and the intermittent care of people with dementia: A discourse analysis 2001 details  
Grayson, S. Nursing management of the rheumatic fever secondary prophylaxis programme 2001 details  
Hall, L. Burnout: Results of an empirical study of New Zealand nurses 2001 Contemporary Nurse 11 71-83 details  
Hamilton, C. Nursing care delivery 2001 details  
Hammond, S. Parallel journeys: Perceptions of palliative care 2001 details   url
Henry, Pamela 'Coming home safely : a successful transition from hospital to home' : Margaret May Blackwell Study Fellowship for Nurses of Young Children, Nursing Education Research Foundation 2001 38 details  
Herbert, B. How often do health professionals wash their hands? 2001 Vision: A Journal of Nursing 7 29-32 details  
Herd, C.M.F. Is it a dangerous game? Registered nurses' experiences of working with care assistants in a public hospital setting 2001 details  
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