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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Watson, S. Humane caring: Quality of life issues for those elderly people wanting to remain in their own environment 2001 details   url
Webby, A. Developing safe nursing practice for Maori 2001 Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 7 16-17 details  
Wilson, D.S. Transforming nursing education: A legitimacy of difference 2001 details   url
Wilson, H.V. Power and partnership: A critical analysis of the surveillance discourses of child health nurses 2001 Journal of Advanced Nursing 36 294-301 details  
Wilson, L.J. Futurist planning, not a shortage stopgap: Recruitment and retention of registered nurses in New Zealand 2001 details  
Wilson, M. Organisational psychopaths and our health culture 2001 Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 7 27-29 details  
Woods, M. Balancing rights and duties in 'life and death' decision making involving children: A role for nurses? 2001 Nursing Ethics 8 397-408 details  
Wright, R. Linking theory with practice 2001 Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 7 14-15 details  
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