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  Author Title Year (down) Publication Volume Pages Links
McKelvie, R. Partnership in paediatric nursing: A descriptive exploration of the concept and its practice 2001 details  
Southwick, M. Pacific women's stories of becoming a nurse in New Zealand: A radical hermeneutic reconstruction of marginality 2001 details   url
Peach, J. The contribution of nursing to the health of New Zealand 2001 details   url
Uren, M. Nursing: A model for management: Why nurses are well equipped to be leaders of the future? 2001 details  
Tucakovic, M. Nursing as an aesthetic praxis 2001 details   url
Grayson, S. Nursing management of the rheumatic fever secondary prophylaxis programme 2001 details  
Rayat, P. The relationship between job satisfaction and professional development in nursing: A socio critical outlook 2001 details  
Ross, J. Role identification: An impediment to effective core primary health care teamwork 2001 details   url
Puckey, T.C. Vicarious traumatization: Relevance and implications for psychiatric mental health nursing 2001 details   url
Jackson, H. Compassion: A concept exploration 2001 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 17 16-23 details  
Spence, D. The evolving meaning of 'culture' in New Zealand nursing 2001 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 17 51-61 details  
Noble-Adams, R. 'Exemplary' nurses: An exploration of the phenomenon 2001 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 17 24-33 details  
Hughes, F. Locating health policy and nursing: Time for a closer relationship 2001 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 17 5-14 details  
Day, D.R.; Mills, B.; Fairburn, F. Exercise prescription: Are practice nurses adequately prepared for this? 2001 New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine 29 32-36 details  
Clendon, J.; McBride, K. Public health nurses in New Zealand: The impact of invisibility 2001 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 17 24-32 details  
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