Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Adams, Sue; Boyd, Michal; Carryer, Jenny; Bareham, Corinne; Tenbensel, Tim |
A survey of the NP workforce in primary healthcare settings in New Zealand. |
2020 |
New Zealand Medical Journal |
133 |
29-40 |
Arcus, Kerri |
Editorial: 2020 -- the Year of the Nurse and the coronavirus pandemic |
2020 |
Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services |
27 |
7-8 |
Asbury, Elizabeth; Orsborn, Georgina |
Teaching sensitive topics in an online environment: an evaluation of cultural safety e-learning |
2020 |
Whitireia Journal of Nursing, Health and Social Services |
27 |
23-31 |
Atherton, Susan; Crossan, Michael; Honey, Michelle |
The impact of simulation education amongst nurses to raise the option of tissue donation in an intensive care unit |
2020 |
Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand |
36 |
20-29 |
Bowen-Withington, Julie; Zambas, Shelaine; Cook, Catherine; Neville, Stephen |
Integration of high-fidelity simulation into undergraduate nursing education in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia: an integrative literature review |
2020 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
36 |
37-50 |
Briscoe, Jeanette; Harding, Thomas |
Promoting the use of the SOAP (IE) documentation framework in medical nurses' practice |
2020 |
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research |
11 |
17-23 |
Chalmers, Linda |
Responding to the State of the World's Nursing 2020 report in Aotearoa New Zealand: Aligning the nursing workforce to universal health coverage and health equity |
2020 |
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand |
36 |
7-19 |
Chandler-Knight, Eden |
Poster[sic]Bullying in mental health inpatient nursing |
2020 |
78 p. |
Corner, Kathy |
Perceptions of Indian IQNs transitioning into a bachelor of nursing programme in New Zealand |
2020 |
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research |
11 |
61-62 |
Davenport, Angela C. |
Exploring nurses' documentation of their contribution to Traumatic Brain Injury rehabilitation in an Aotearoa-New Zealand Rehabilitation Unit |
2020 |
244 p. |
Ellison, Janine |
Registered nurse turnover in the acute setting |
2020 |
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research |
11 |
58-60 |
Eton, Sarah Jane |
Clinical handover from the operating theatre nurse to the post anaesthetic care unit nurse: a New Zealand perspective |
2020 |
125 p. |
Field, Jenny; McClunie-Trust, Patricia; Kearney, Celine; Jeffcoat, Jane |
Language and communication: a vital component of health for people with refugee backgrounds |
2020 |
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research |
11 |
42-49 |
Foster, Pamela Margaret |
What undergraduate nurse education actually teaches student nurses about people named as older: A Foucauldian discourse analysis |
2020 |
198 p. |
Frost, Celine Elizabeth |
After mastectomy -- inpatient experience of women in New Zealand: A qualitative study |
2020 |
199 p. |