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Davies, D. C. (2006). Practice nurses' perceptions of their contribution to the care of individuals with chronic health conditions. Ph.D. thesis, , .
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Giddings, D. L. S., Roy, D. E., & Predeger, E. (2007). Women's experience of ageing with a chronic condition. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58(6), 557–565.
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Henty, C., & Dickinson, A. R. (2007). Practice nurses' experiences of the Care Plus programme: A qualitative descriptive study. The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners website, 34(5), 335–338.
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Johnstone, C. (2001). Linking diet and respiratory distress. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 7(5), 22–23.
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McKinlay, E. M. (2007). Thinking beyond Care Plus: The work of primary health care nurses in chronic conditions programmes. New Zealand Family Physician, 34(5), 322–327.
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Sheridan, N. F. (2005). Mapping a new future: Primary health care nursing in New Zealand. Ph.D. thesis, , .
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