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Elbe, E. (2002). The private world of nursing related to incident reporting. Ph.D. thesis, , .
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Evans, S. (2007). Silence kills: Challenging unsafe practice. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 13(3), 16–19.
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Flynn, L., Carryer, J. B., & Budge, C. (2005). Organisational attributes valued by hospital, home care, and district nurses in the United States and New Zealand. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(1), 67–72.
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Horrocks, T. (2001). Implementing change combining Maori and Western knowledge in health delivery. Vision: A Journal of Nursing, 7(13), 37–41.
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Horsburgh, M., Perkins, R., Coyle, B., & Degeling, P. (2006). The professional subcultures of students entering medicine, nursing and pharmacy programmes. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(4), 425–431.
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Hughes, F. (2006). Nurses at the forefront of innovation. International Nursing Review, 53(2), 94–101.
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McArthur, J. Discursive understanding of knowledge within advanced nursing practice roles: A co-operative inquiry in an acute health care organisation. Ph.D. thesis, , .
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McBride-Henry, K., & Foureur, M. (2006). Organisational culture, medication administration and the role of nurses. Practice Development in Health Care, 5(2), 208–222.
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McBride-Henry, K., & Foureur, M. (2007). A secondary care nursing perspective on medication administration safety. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(1), 58–66.
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Morton, J., Williams, Y., & Philpott, M. (2006). New Zealand's Christchurch Hospital at night: An audit of medical activity from 2230 to 0800 hours. New Zealand Medical Journal, 119(1231).
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Rowe, W. (2001). An ethnography of the nursing handover. Ph.D. thesis, , .
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Wepa, D. (2003). An exploration of the experiences of cultural safety educators in New Zealand: An action research approach. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 14(4), 339–348.
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Were, K. J. (2016). Early Career Nurses: The relationship between Organisational Climate and Job Satisfaction and Burnout. Master's thesis, University of Waikato, .
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Wilkinson, J. A. (2002). Creating a culture of workplace safety. Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, 8(6), 14–15.
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Wilkinson, J. A., & Huntington, A. D. (2004). The personal safety of district nurses: A critical analysis. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 20(3), 31–44.
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