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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Brinkman, A.; Caughley, B. Measuring on-the-job stress accurately 2004 Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 18 12-15 details  
Brinkman, A.; Wilson-Salt, R.; Walker, L. Education survey report: Implications for practice 2008 details  
Briscoe, Jeanette; Harding, Thomas Promoting the use of the SOAP (IE) documentation framework in medical nurses' practice 2020 Kai Tiaki Nursing Research 11 17-23 details  
Briscoe, Jeannette; Mackay, Bev; Harding, Thomas Does simulation add value to clinical practice: undergraduate student nurses' perspective 2017 Kai Tiaki Nursing Research 8 10-15 details  
Brockie, Teresa; Clark, Terryann C; Best, Odette; Power, Tamara; Bourque Bearskin, Lisa; Kurtz, Donna LM; Lowe, John; Wilson, Denise Indigenous social exclusion to inclusion: Case studies on Indigenous nursing leadership in four high income countries. 2021 Journal of Clinical Nursing 1-15 details   url
Brodie, S.E. Drug monitoring details  
Brookes, K. Moving stories from nurses in flight 2001 details  
Brown, E.F. Work-related back pain among nurses: nurses perceptions of the causative factors 1999 details  
Brown, J.A. “Let my spirit always sing”: A descriptive study of how four elderly rest home residents view spirituality and spiritual care at the end of life 2004 details   url
Brown, Jacqueline Thorn in the flesh: the experience of women living with surgical mesh complications 2019 126 p. details   url
Brown, M.B. The Auckland School of Nursing, 1883 – 1990: the rise and fall 1991 details  
Browne, B. Health and safety in employment: legal remedies to prevent the occupational hazards of hospital oncology nurses 1995 details  
Brownie, S.M. Management perspectives of the second evel nurse 1993 details  
Brownie, Sharon; Broman, Patrick Growing our own: the abyss of data monitoring and support for New Zealand's domestic nursing workforce pipeline 2024 Kaitiaki Nursing Research 15 7-10 details  
Brunton, Margaret; Cook, Catherine; Walker, Leonie; Clendon, Jill Where are we?: workplace communication between RNs in culturally-diverse healthcare organisations; Analysis of a 2-phase, mixed-method study: a report prepared for the New Zealand Nursing Education and Research Foundation 2017 82 p. details  
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