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  Author Title Year (up) Publication Volume Pages Links
Wenn, J. Decision making in senior nurses details  
Butler, A.M. Development of home visit rating scales for nurses working in the community details  
Brodie, S.E. Drug monitoring details  
Peddie, B.; McPherson, F. Efficiency of syntocinon spray details  
Trout, F. Empowering parents with under age five children and health service accountability details  
Butler, A.M. Evaluation of attitude change during weekly study programmes for nurses in geriatric wards details  
Mathias, L.; Burgess, J. Exit site infection: survey of patients undergoing continuous peritoneal dialysis details  
Butler, A.M. In-depth study of ward management in a public hospital details  
Sutherland, F.R. Incidence of phlebitis in intravenous infusions details  
Butler, A.M. Long stay patients: a study of their activities and use of facilities details  
Lawton, M.M.(deceased); Students, Needs for ante-natal education details  
Oakley, J. Nurses' attitudes towards night shifts details  
Butler, A.M. Nursing workloads in geriatric hospitals details  
Butler, A.M. Nursing workloads in psychogeriatric wards details  
Butler, A.M. On-going refinement of patient dependency scales for use in general hospitals details  
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