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  Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages (down) Links
Horsburgh, M.; Lamdin, R.; Williamson, E. Multiprofessional learning: The attitudes of medical, nursing and pharmacy students to shared learning 2001 Medical Education 35 876-883 details  
Spence, D. Hermeneutic notions illuminate cross-cultural nursing experiences 2001 Journal of Advanced Nursing 35 624-630 details  
Kiro,C. Maori health policy and practice = Kimihia hauora Maori : Ngapuhi, Ngati-Hine, NgatiTe Rangiwewehe 2001 441 pp details  
Woods, M. Balancing rights and duties in 'life and death' decision making involving children: A role for nurses? 2001 Nursing Ethics 8 397-408 details  
Wilson, H.V. Power and partnership: A critical analysis of the surveillance discourses of child health nurses 2001 Journal of Advanced Nursing 36 294-301 details  
Clendon, J.; White, G.E. The feasibility of a nurse practitioner-led primary health care clinic in a school setting: A community needs analysis 2001 Journal of Advanced Nursing 34 171-178 details  
O'Brien, A.J. The therapeutic relationship: Historical development and contemporary significance 2001 Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing 8 129-137 details  
Richardson, S.; Allen, J. Casualization of the nursing workforce: A New Zealand perspective on an international phenomenon 2001 International Journal of Nursing Practice 7 104-108 details  
Spence, D. Prejudice, paradox, and possibility: Nursing people from cultures other than one's own 2001 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 12 100-106 details  
Carryer, J.B. Embodied largeness: A significant women's health issue 2001 Nursing Inquiry 8 90-97 details  
Crowe, M.; O'Malley, J.; Gordon, S. Meeting the needs of consumers in the community: A working partnership in mental health in New Zealand 2001 Journal of Advanced Nursing 35 88-96 details  
Hall, L. Burnout: Results of an empirical study of New Zealand nurses 2001 Contemporary Nurse 11 71-83 details  
Spence, D. The evolving meaning of 'culture' in New Zealand nursing 2001 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 17 51-61 details  
Henry, Pamela 'Coming home safely : a successful transition from hospital to home' : Margaret May Blackwell Study Fellowship for Nurses of Young Children, Nursing Education Research Foundation 2001 38 details  
Horrocks, T. Implementing change combining Maori and Western knowledge in health delivery 2001 Vision: A Journal of Nursing 7 37-41 details  
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